Dziwne budynki świata

Najdziwniejsze budynki świata

Budynki mieszkalne, biurowce, muzea.
Jedne uchodzą za tandetne realizacje nawiedzonych projektantów, inne za perełki architektury a na całym świecie jest ich wiele ale...
De gustibus non disputandum est

opracowanie:Albin Marciniak

Forest Spiral – Hundertwasser Building (Darmstadt, Niemcy)
Forest Spiral - Hundertwasser Building (Darmstadt, Germany)
foto: Kikos Dad

The Torre Galatea Figueras (Spain)
The Torre Galatea Figueras (Spain)
Ferdinand Cheval Palace a.k.a Ideal Palace (Francja)
Ferdinand Cheval Palace a.k.a Ideal Palace (France)
The Basket Building (Ohio, USA)
Kansas City Public Library (Missouri, USA)
Wonderworks (Pigeon Forge, TN, United States)
Wonderworks (Florida, United States)

Habitat 67 (Montreal, Canada)
Hang Nga Guesthouse a.k.a Crazy House (Vietnam)
Chapel in the Rock (Arizona, USA)
Dancing Building (Praga, Czechy)
Dancing Building (Prague, Czech Republic)
foto: jemil75

Calakmul building a.k.a La Lavadora a.k.a - pralka (Meksyk, Meksyk)
Calakmul building a.k.a La Lavadora a.k.a The Washing Mashine (Mexico, Mexico)
foto: marj k

Kettle House (Texas, USA)
Kettle House (Texas, United States)
foto: yluckyfukr

Manchester Civil Justice Centre (Manchester, Wielka Brytania)
Manchester Civil Justice Centre (Manchester, UK)
Nakagin Capsule Tower (Tokyo, Japonia)
Nakagin Capsule Tower (Tokyo, Japan)
foto: picture

Mind House (Barcelona, Spain)
Stone House (Guimarães, Portugalia)
Stone House (Guimarães, Portugal)
foto: Jsome1

Shoe House (Pennsylvania, USA)
Weird House in Alps
Weird House in Alps
Image via: nicolasnova

The Ufo House (Sanjhih, Taiwan)
The Hole House (Texas, USA)
The Hole House (Texas, United States)
foto: melinnis

Ryugyong Hotel (Pyongyang, Korea
Ryugyong Hotel (Pyongyang, North Korea)
foto: Pricey

The National Library (Mińsk, Białoruś)
Grand Lisboa (Macao)
Wall House (Groningen, Holandia)
Muzeum Guggenheima (Bilbao, Hiszpania)
Baha'i House of Worship aka Lotus Temple (Delhi, Indie)
Bahá'í House of Worship a.k.a Lotus Temple (Delhi, India)

Container City (Londyn, UK)
Container City (London, UK)
foto: Fin Fahey

Erwin Wurm: Dom Attack (Wiedeń, Austria)
Erwin Wurm: House Attack (Viena, Austria)
foto: Dom Dada

Drewniane Gagster Dom (Archangielsk, Rosja)
Air Force Academy Kaplica (Colorado, USA)
Air Force Academy Chapel (Colorado, United States)
foto: dbking

Solar Furnace (Odeillo, Francja)
Solar Furnace (Odeillo, France)
foto: f2g2

Dome House (Florida, USA)
Dome House (Florida, United States)
foto: easement

Beijing National Stadium (Beijing, China)
Centrum handlowe Fashion Show (Las Vegas, Stany Zjednoczone)
Fashion Show Mall (Las Vegas, United States)
foto: b2tse

Luxor Hotel & Casino (Las Vegas, Stany Zjednoczone)
Luxor Hotel & Casino (Las Vegas, United States)
foto: wallyg

Zenith Europy (Strasburg, Francja)
Zenith Europe (Strasbourg, France)
foto: Edouard55

Civic Center (Santa Monica)
Mama w kredensie (Natchez, MS, Stany Zjednoczone)
Pickle Dom Barrel (Grand Marais, Michigan, Stany Zjednoczone)
Egg (Empire State Plaza Albany, Nowy Jork, Stany Zjednoczone)
The Egg (Empire State Plaza, Albany, New York, United States)
foto: iessi

Ogórek - Gherkin Building (Londyn, UK)
Nord LB building (Hannover, Niemcy)
Nord LB building (Hannover, Germany)
foto: iterby

Lloyd’s building (London, UK)
Lloyd’s building (London, UK)
foto: ryanfb

Druzhba Holiday Center Hall (Yałta, Ukraina)
“Druzhba Holiday Center Hall (Yalta, Ukraine)
foto: Argenberg

Fuji television building (Tokyo, Japonia)
Fuji television building (Tokyo, Japan)
foto: kamoda

UCSD Geisel Library (San Diego, Kalifornia, Stany Zjednoczone)
Ripley’s Building (Niagara Falls, Ontario, Canada)
Ripley's Building (Ontario, Canada)
foto: Bekah267

The Bank of Asia a.k.a Robot Building (Bangkok, Thailand)
The Bank of Asia a.k.a Robot Building (Bangkok, Thailand)
foto: hewy

Centrum biurowe "1000" aka banknotów (Kowno, Litwa)

foto: RA Studija

Kerala House Boats (Alappuzha, Alleppey, Kerala, Indie)

foto: Jiths

Olympic Stadium (Montreal, Quebec, Canada)

foto: Wikipedia

Blur Building (Yverdon-les-Bainz, Switzerland)

Tenerife Concert Hall (Santa Cruz de Tenerife, Canary Islands, Spain)

foto: extranoise

The Never Was Haul (Berkeley, California, USA)

foto: drewdomkus

The Puerta de Europa towers a.k.a Gate of Europe a.k.a Torres KIO (Madrid, Spain)

foto: wikipedia
UFO house (New Zealand)

foto: fletchy182
Gas Natural headquarters (Barcelona, Spain)

foto: Alberto OG

Walt Disney Concert Hall (Los Angeles, California, USA)
The Mushroom House aka Tree House (Cincinnati, Ohio, USA)
Edificio Mirador (Madrid, Spain)
Free Spirit Spheres (Qualicum Beach, BC, Canada)
Tempe Municipal Building (Tempe, Arizona, USA)

foto: phxpma

Korowai Treehouse (Papua New Guinea, Indonesia)

foto: 710928003

Turning Torso (Malmö, Sweden)

foto: Bjaglin
Wozoco Apartments (Amsterdam, Holland)
Stata Center (Cambridge, Massachusetts, USA)

foto: rpongsaj

Great Mosque of Djenné (Djenne, Mali)

foto: wikipedia

Nautilus House (Mexico City, Mexico)
Kvivik Igloo (Kvivik, Faroe Islands)
Modern Igloo (Alaska)

foto: rrriles

Atomium (Brussels, Belgium)

foto: /*dave

Great arche of defense (Paris, France)

foto: wikipedia

La Pedrera (Barcelona, Spain)
Errante Guest House (Chile)
Agbar Tower (Barcelona, Spain)

foto: xn44

The Museum of Play (Rochester , USA)
Raffles Dubai in Wafi city (Dubai, UAE)

foto: Wikipedia

Atlantis (Dubai, UAE)
Casa da musica (Porto, Portugal)

fot: wikipedia

Berlin Zeiss Planetarium (Berlin, Germany)

foto: wikipedia

National Theatre (Beijing, China)

foto: Azure Lan

Montreal Biosphère (Canada)
Eden project (United Kingdom)

foto: wikipedia

Kobe Port Tower (Japan)

foto: wikipedia

Cybertecture Egg (Mumbai, India)
Kunsthaus (Graz, Austria)

foto: watz
Federation Square (Melboune, Australia)

foto: wikipedia

The Esplanade (Singapore)
foto: wikipedia

Conch Shell House (Isla Mujeres, Mexico)

(foto: Mark Stadnik)

Device to Root Out Evil (Vancouver, Canada)

(foto: papalars)
Experience Music Project, Seattle, WA, USA

(foto: EMP)
Upside Down House (Szymbark, Poland)

(foto: Radziooz)

Daniel Czapiewski, polski biznesmen i filantrop, zbudował ten dom jako artystyczną wypowiedź o PRL i obecnego stanu świata. Wielu turystów, którzy odwiedzają skarżą się na łagodne choroby morskiej i zawroty głowy po kilku minutach bycia w wewnątrz.

Puzzling World Lake Wanaka (Otago, New Zealand)

(foto: Somerslea)
Low impact woodland house (Wales, UK)

BWM Welt, Munich, Germany

(foto meironke)

Cowboy Boots Bathroom (Seattle, WA, USA)

(foto: kuow949)


The Big Duck (Flanders, NY, USA)
Lucy the Margate Elephant (Margate, NJ, USA)

(foto: amy_kearns)
House Boat (California, USA)

(foto: TailspinT)
Giant Muskie (Hayward, WI, USA)
Guitar Museum (TN, USA)

(foto: jakekrohn)
Weird House Boat (Croatia)
Doll’s Theatre (Toruń, Polska)

(foto: _waj)
The sheep building  (Tirau, Waikato, New Zealand)

(foto: PhillipC)


Sheepdog building (Tirau, Waikato, New Zealand)

(foto: Susan Renee)

House Between The Rocks (France)

(foto: Blog-trotter)

Royal Ontario Museum  (Toronto, Canada)

(foto wvs)
UFO house (Chattanooga, Tennessee)
Wonder egg (Ishigakijima Island, Okinawa, Japan )

The Amazing Flying House (Sarzana, Italy)

(foto: Babele Dunnit)


Teakettle Building (Rockbridge County, VA, USA )
Cinema (Kongsberg, Norway)

foto: Damiel

Universum Science Center (Bremen, Germany)

Steam World Museum (Gramado, Brazil)
foto: Mauro Mello

Seattle Public Library (Seattle, WA, USA)
Peter B Lewis building at Case Western Reserve University (Cleveland, OH, USA)
Oscar Niemeyer Museum. (Curitiba, Brazil)
The Sage Gateshead (Gateshead, England)

foto: wikipedia

Oakley headquarters, Foothill Ranch, California, USA
Angkor Wat (Cambodża)
Annunciation Greek Orthodox Church, (Milwaukee, WI, USA)
Sport’s Mansion (Vilnius, Lithuania)

The Big Pineapple (Nambour, Queensland)

foto: reuvenim

Piano shaped building (Huainan, China)

foto: Dyl86

Elephant building
House on the Rock (Wisconsin, USA)
La Sagrada Familia (Barcelona, Catalonia, Spain)

foto: cuellar

Theater in Ibirapuera Park (São Paulo, Brazil)
Reversible Destiny Lofts (Mitaka, Japan)
foto: ssp4eva

Bunker (Chicago, IL, USA)
. Office Building (St. Petersburg, Russia)
foto: | unton |)

Shark Bar (Perm, Russia)

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